SBI TSS-324 will remain weather tight and maintenance free on your commercial or industrial building for years. SBI roll forms this robust metal roof system that’s designed for tomorrow – with components and techniques that outperform others by specifically addressing current and anticipated building codes and roofing requirements.

TSS-324 is a standing seam roof panel that is mechanically seamed during installation.

  • Proven Technology
  • Durable Structure
  • Reliable Roof System

TSS-324 is a standing seam roof panel that is mechanically seamed during installation. The TSS-324 panel utilizes a 16Ga hold down clip that attaches to the substructure, which allows for a concealed fastener and thermal movement.  The TSS-324 standing seam roof panel has a 24” wide coverage and features a 3” tall seam.  SBI’s TSS-324 standing seam metal roof panel can be installed over purlins with up to 5’-3” spacing, over metal and wood decking, and even rigid insulation. It can be installed on a roof as low as ½”\12 slope. Our standard TSS-324 panel comes in a 24Ga. thickness, has options of a striated pan or minor ribs, with an SP40, acrylic coated galvalume, or Kynar finish.  Options for the TSS-324 panel include: special colors, 22Ga. thickness.

You can download a copy of our TSS-324 installation guide by clicking here.


Believe it or not, when you look at most metal roofs on the market today, you’re looking at systems that rely on technology that’s over 30 years old.

It’s a fact that the design of existing standing seam roof systems has not been fundamentally upgraded since 1969 – when assumptions about wind resistance and expected roof performance were severely under calculated compared to what we know today.


We’ve used the latest technology available to develop a metal roof system that’s designed for tomorrow – with components and techniques that outperform others by specifically addressing current and anticipated building codes and roofing requirements.

With steel panels that are designed to last, innovative clips that add stability while allowing for thermal expansion and contraction, and patented seaming systems that’s designed to handle even the most stringent uplift requirements – our system truly is above and beyond the rest.

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Office: M-F: 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Warehouse: M-F: 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM